Dear Friends of the Palouse Divide Nordic Ski Club,

We had a great and very busy Free Ski Day. Thanks to all the volunteers for helping out to Hyperspud Sports for loaning us all their rental gear! Next week the group heading out to the Clearwater Big House in the Blue mountains will be taking off — and we will be able to use our new snowmobile on its maiden voyage before it goes to the Divide for its main task! Our next event will be free ski lessons February 3. Email me if you want to sign up!

But that’s now why I’m writing today: We are submitting a grant application to the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation. If successful, the funding would be used for tools and equipment to allow our volunteers to clear and maintain trails in a more effective, efficient and safer manner. The goal is to secure funding for 2 battery-powered chainsaws, 1 battery-powered pole saw and a set of 4 radios. The battery operated tools  reduce the need for purchasing and transporting gasoline and their lighter weight reduces operator fatigue. The radios will allow communication between groomers for efficiency and reduce response time in case of an emergency.

If you have feedback on this grant application’s potential to help the club and use Facebook, then I invite you to write a comment on yesterday’s post about this grant application. Just to to “Groups” in Facebook, click on the club’s name and you should see the post and comments. We will include comments posted in our application materials!

More later in the week on the grooming situation,

Jesse, for the Palouse Divide Nordic Ski Club

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